Volunteer Role:

RCVS Registration Number:

Please confirm if you have Indemnity Insurance to volunteer with StreetVet (either personal or through your work place)

Please let us know if you have any additional skills or qualifications that you are happy to use within your role as a StreetVet Volunteer:

Please let us know your emergency contact details.

Emergency Contact Name:

Emergency Contact Relationship:

Emergency Contact Phone / WhatsApp Details:

I have read and understand the Streetvet Volunteer Agreement.

I have read and understand the Streetvet Code of Conduct.

I give consent to StreetVet to use any photos or videos taken of me on outreach or any StreetVet related event.

I give consent for StreetVet to email me with updates regarding my role as a volunteer and newsletters regarding the charity.

I give consent for StreetVet to text or WhatsApp me with updates regarding my role as a volunteer and newsletters regarding the charity.

I do not wish for StreetVet to call me with updates regarding my role as a volunteer and newsletters regarding the charity.

I do not wish for StreetVet to send post to me with updates regarding my role as a volunteer and newsletters regarding the charity.

Thank you for completing the above form. Please let your StreetVet representative know that this is now completed and they will pass your information over to the location you wish to volunteer with for a location specific onboarding.