StreetVet has had unwavering support from the veterinary profession since our inception. The encouragement and enthusiasm our industry has shown for StreetVet’s mission has been incredible – from volunteer vets and nurses hitting the streets to veterinary practices offering pro bono procedures. It is this professional goodwill that has led to the creation of a StreetVet Specialist Advisory Board.

Whilst StreetVetting, we do come across challenging cases which may require more involved input. With this in mind, we approached a veterinary specialist from each discipline to provide advice to our StreetVet outreach teams. Each of the specialists on this board has been involved with one or more of our StreetVet conferences “The Art of StreetVetting” , some have even volunteered on the streets but an overwhelming commonality is their understanding of our ethos and a desire to help. We are absolutely privileged to introduce our StreetVet Specialist Advisory Board.