Your kind donations help us to continue our ongoing provision of free essential veterinary care to the pets of people experiencing homelessness. As a small charity, we are committed to a number of monthly costs which ensure the ongoing provision of StreetVet services.
By setting up a Regular Giving donation you will help us to continue our vital work. We are so grateful to everyone whose generosity makes what we do possible.
Gift Aid
You can make your donation worth a quarter more at no cost to you, just by ticking the gift aid box if you are a UK tax payer. This allows us to reclaim 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate to StreetVet and it makes a huge difference to our fundraising efforts.

How to donate via Cheque
We are very happy to receive donations by cheque to help support the work that StreetVet does. Cheques should be made out to “StreetVet” and posted to:
StreetVet, 4 Battersea Park Road, London, SW8 4AA
Please complete a Gift Aid form and enclose it with your cheque as this means you can make your donation worth a quarter more at no cost to you!