StreetVet are a UK-based engagement service, and our aim is to provide support and keep our clients and their pets together wherever possible.

We cannot respond to animal care requests from outside the UK.

We are not an enforcement agency, if you are concerned about an animal’s safety with their owner, please contact the RSPCA. Click here to go to the RSPCA site

We will respond to urgent messages within 1 working day and answer general queries as soon as possible.


StreetVet is not an emergency service.

If your pet is directly registered with StreetVet and it is an emergency, please contact the 0800 number provided at registration.

If your pet is not registered with StreetVet and it is an emergency, please contact the last practice they were seen at, the PDSA, Blue Cross or RSPCA. In an emergency, any veterinary practice should provide first aid.


Please click on one of the buttons below and complete the webform to submit your query.

In the unlikely event that you would like to make a complaint, please contact us through our General Queries form.