K9 Magazine: EDITOR’S PICK Meet the Street Vets Helping Homeless Dogs for Free
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The One Show
On the 23rd January Jade and Sam were featured on the One Show

Andy Hutchins says he owes his life to his dog, and it’s easy to believe him.
Formerly a heroin addict of fifteen years, stealing to feed his habit and to his own mind “no good to […]

Diamond dogs: superpets and Britain’s hero vets
[iframe src=”https://www.bigissue.com/news/diamond-dogs-superpets-britains-hero-vets/” width=”100%” height=”500″]

The vet treating homeless people’s dogs BBC News
[iframe src=”http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/video_and_audio/headlines/42201020/the-vet-treating-homeless-people-s-dogs” width=”100%” height=”500″]