Reaching Out to the Vet Community – V:SGD
A huge part of StreetVet is the ability to have boots on the ground. This can only happen if vets and vet nurses decide that they want to give up their precious free time (and for those in the profession, free time really is precious!) and spend it out on the streets. We have already been staggered by the numbers of people coming forward to offer exactly that, volunteering to be part of the front-line support these dogs and their owners really need.
As with all ‘call to arms’, a massive part of this has been exposure. We have had blogs in the Vet Times and with the British Veterinary Association, reaching out to vets in more traditional ways, but in this modern age we have also utilised other platforms. One of these has been the fabulous vet support group, ‘Vets: Stay, Go, Diversify’. Set up to support vets, both in general practice and those who choose to take their careers in alternative directions, this Facebook group has been an innovative and welcoming stage for our founders Jade and Sam.
V:SGD has provided the opportunity to post links and information, but has also allowed Jade and Sam to do an open forum live video interview with the V:SGD founder, Ebony Escalona. Viewing figures have reached nearly 1400 for the interview, and provided another way to reach vets and nurses. Having this has definitely helped with the staggering numbers of volunteers we have had, as well as promoting our Amazon wishlist and website.
We would like to thank Ebony, and everyone who watched the V:SGD interview, for supporting us. For those who watched:
- If you would like to volunteer please go to: Join StreetVet
- If you would like to contribute a monetary donation: Donate to StreetVet
- If you would like to gift something from our Amazon wishlist: Amazon Wishlist
We would also appreciate anyone taking the time to share our website on their social media, very simply,